I write this as the struggle for and against Obamacare is reaching a fever pitch and political and business interests try to control America's health.
Since its infancy, America has been split in two. It began with Jeffersonians opposed to the ideas of Alexander Hamilton and vice versa, the antebellum South with slavery and the North without which led to the Civil War, and continuing today with Democrats and Republicans in a virtual death struggle. We've prided ourselves on the delusion that we're all truly one, one, united America that is able to look beyond the petty and come together when it matters most. Sadly, this is exactly that, a delusion. We have always been a nation of two minds and two hearts, the latter being the stumbling block and eventual deal killer. The example I'll use is abortion. How can the pro-choice and pro-life forces ever see eye to eye on policy? They can't and both sides care deeply about the issue. So what we have are right and left wing elements bitterly opposed to each other trying to destroy each other. All Americans? No. Two Americas. There have always been two Americas. The Civil War was the only major attempt to split the nation but that came when the South seceded over the fear of losing their slaves. It was a geographic split but not a TRUE ideological split. My proposal (or at least food for thought) concerns how America, by splitting into two different elements, can achieve true balance and harmony while maintaining social integration and freedom and justice for all. My system is intended to promote happiness with as little conflict among Americans as possible.
The two systems will consist of government/medical on the one and big business/organized religion on the other. Not surprisingly, overwhelmingly left wing interested people with side with government while right wing people side with big business.
System No. 1: Big Business/Religion
The ideological mover on this is mostly with the big business/organized religion side. Big Business/American Corporations live to loathe government interference into their affairs AKA financial matters. Corporate interests have tried to control the actions of government for well over a century in our history with the intention of making it as weak and toothless as possible. The perfect illustration is the appointees of Donald Trump to key government offices. That he appointed completely or nearly completely unqualified people to these positions and, even worse, some that actually HATE the department they now head, make it clear that powerful business interests view government very negatively. This has also filtered down into the right wing citizenry, many of whom hate government as a cult of personality, not because government is bad in general or to them specifically. This attitude is virtually unchangeable. One of the hardest things to do in our country is convince a right winger that his views may not be beneficial to him. He believes what he believes and that's it. This kind of inflexibility will always stand in the way of advancement. Perhaps no group exemplifies the inability to grow so much. Instead of forcing these people in a particular direction, as Americans, we should look to pacify them. Whatever makes them happy is the most sensible direction. There is an overlap between these right wing people and organized religion.
Organized religion: Personally, my view is that a proper separation of church and state is the best way. In my system, that would be a firm reality. As we currently have one government, religious conservatives have felt the need to meddle in matters of state with the intention of making America the Christian theocracy they delude themselves it's always been. As you can tell, I have no patience for religious meddling with the intention of making secular law religious law. As America is overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian, they are the example I've chosen.
As there is a large overlap between those that grow up in the church and those that eventually go into corporate America, I have chosen to connect these two. They are both right wing American stalwarts, in bed with each other, and should stay there. They have strong core connections.
I separate government from Big Business and religion because Big Business and religion and have since divorced themselves from government (as I illustrated with my previous Trump appointee example.) If it were up to Big Business and organized religion, we would have no government, just the rule of a small oligarchy of powerful business interests and religious leaders. In my system, they will get their wish. Anything resembling a government structure will be eliminated and they will have the freedom to do as they choose. That means no unions, no government minimum wage, or any other government programs Big Business hates. This will make Big Business happy. If their workers choose to not be protected, that will be their business. As government is gone, organized religion will have no need to influence it any longer. Their system will be how they like it and will probably regress to a standard of religious law long since past. Abortion will be illegal. Contraception will be illegal, etc.
On matters of law, Big Business and organized religion will no doubt feel the need to dialogue. This is their definition of separation of church and state (that isn't really separate.) They can have their own legislative body but, as they're going to be mostly in harmony with each other (which is the major benefit of my system) legal matters will be relatively uncontentious. A Congress is probably not needed, just one Senate comprised of business and religious interests. Imagine Congress with no Democrats. That's what I'm talking here. Money for them is money. They can do with it as they please with no restrictions on those at the top if that's what the citizenry wants.
If a legislative body is to be chosen, it will be chosen by the citizens via vote. In order for both systems of America to interact and flourish, Big Business/Religion will have to have a president. Obviously, this president will be very much in the camp of the interests of Big Business and religion.
The military is overwhelmingly comprised of right wing interests but I don't have them as one separate unit. I'll bring them up in my next post on government/medical.
System No. 2: Government/Medical
As Big Business/Organized Religion is essentially the absence of government, then Government/Medical is the absence of Big Business/religion. This is the true separation of church and state. Most American Democrats will fall into this group, people that believe in science and not superstition, people that aren't overly spiritual or have a different spiritual belief system from organized religion, etc. As American religion is still very anti-gay (sorry, it is), most homosexuals will choose to be under a government system.
I'll take time out here to say that whatever system you choose to belong to is your choice. However, some will fall into a particular group, some will have no choice but to go with a particular group if the other rejects them for different views. That's just a sad reality. The Government system will automatically take anyone rejected from the other system.
Government will have as little to do with corporate interests as possible. There will be no great inequality of wealth (though people like doctors that fall into this category can have whatever privileges the government citizenry chooses.) There will be no need for unions because government workers will have no conflict with Big Business. Government will be responsible for the nation's public works and all public workers will fall under government protection. Construction work will be government controlled, not controlled by small business interests. Small business interests will have the choice to operate in either system. As the Big Business system will probably try to swallow them up, they can choose the Government system and will be allowed to grow as much as they choose. If they reach a certain status and power, they will then be shifted to the Big Business section and will function under their rules.
The Government system Is obviously more socialistic but it's not pure socialism. People will have the freedom to operate within the Government system in a variety of jobs. Government will have no financial ties with Big Business and will operate free of religion.
Emphasis here on the idea is that both systems will work for the mutual benefit of the other. They are both systems comprised of Americans and will handle the different tasks needed for the country. They will just act in each other's interests with their own structures free of the meddling of the other side.
The Government/Medical system will have necessary facilities such as gyms and groceries and other things people need in their daily lives they won't get from corporations. These facilities will be state owned though small business under the Government banner can also offer such facilities. There can also be different programs for creative development paid for by the Government system. If movies are produced by major studios/corporations, the actors and other workers will fit into the Big Business system.
Like in the Big Business/Religion system, there will be a Government/medical president chosen by the citizenry, hopefully in their best interests. Any legislative body can be created. Like the Big Business/Religion system, harmony over policy will be much more likely, therefore a kind of Senate is probably all that will be needed. Many in this Senate will probably be various leaders in the medical profession.
There will be compromise of the police and military. The police will fall under the Government system and all officers will officially be federal employees, not state. The military can be privatized as so many military people are strongly right wing in sentiment. This leads to the following check:
Special Role and Connection of the Military and Medical:
This is about checks and balances for the reason that the US military is overwhelmingly right wing at heart and militaries throughout history have often taken advantage of their power for conquest. Therefore, the military will fall under the system of Big Business and Religion and medical will be part of Government/Medical. If the right wing interests feel like trying to use the military might of the country to overwhelm the Government side, the medical can pull all its support and refuse to treat anyone in the right wing system, specifically the military. As being in either system is a choice, healthcare is free for those in the Government system. There will also be a special relationship with the medical profession and American soldiers whereby all soldiers have access to free medical care. Corporate business people and religious interests in their system will have no healthcare insurance and will have to pay out of pocket via an affordable pricing plan. However, the wealthier the citizen, the more the medical profession can choose to charge. As so many people that will fall into the Big Business/Religion system complain about socialist medicine and cheap, Medicaid doctors and such, I'm sure they'll be more than glad to put up instead of shut up. If they don't want socialist medicine, they will not get socialistic medicine. They will have to pay out of pocket.
Healthcare is the most contentious issue in America today and my system is designed to give people what they want based on their values. You can't rail against "socialistic" medicine and vote against it and still get the benefits. Choose the benefits or choose they system that pays out of pocket.
America Divided Becomes America Reunited:
In closing, I'll state that my dual system model is not designed to separate or segregate Americans. We will all live in the same places with the same people. There will be no separation based on race or any other factor. However, as right wing interests tend to be more racially motivated, any rejection from their system will be made up for as the Government side will automatically take them in. The Government system will continue and expand social programs for any persecuted or left out groups of society and will train them to work for the government or medical profession in productive, helpful ways. Disabled people will automatically fall under the Government banner unless they choose the Big Business/Religion side and can make it work. The Government/Medical side is meant to be a 100% safety net for all that need it. Right wing business and/or religious interests can't interfere with it. As the Government/Medical side won't be allowed to mess with the other system, both sides should flourish without impediments. The idea here is that we have both Big Business and Big Government, both strong and working to fit the needs of their citizens. Both Presidents, as a matter of course, will be friendly and accommodating to each other, even if they don't like each other personally. This is the closest America will come to the probable Democrat vs. Republican relationship. With both systems accommodating their respective citizenries, these presidential meetings should be very smooth.
There will be some obvious kinks to be worked out in my system and I don't expect anyone to go for it. Though they complain, right wing interests will no doubt never give up their own health insurance, even if they're richer than God. I'll also clarify that religious people can still operate under the Government system but there will be no attempt to influence that system or create a religious financial power base in it. There can be churches but religious people in the Government system will mostly feel the desire to believe in their religion where it counts. In their hearts and not in a power structure.