Firstly, I'll just say that there's a definite place for secular humanism, while I completely reject secular materialism. That said, the Church, an institution that MUST exist to meet the SPIRITUAL NEEDS of society, has moved dangerously close to, and in too many cases fused with, secular materialism. I write this post because I just saw old nuns on NBC at a Notre Dame basketball game on IPhones. I'm guessing they weren't doing the work of the Church or the Lord. A minor criticism? Possibly but it's illustrative of the shift in the modern Church from deep thought and the pursuit of spiritual development to one of wanting to be cool with the secular masses. I'm sure the nuns I saw are considered "great nuns" and are very hip and cool with those they speak with, meaning they probably teach the modern secular liberalism that's made globalization so profuse. We already have WAY too much of that. If the Church doesn't go back to its spiritual disciplines sooner rather than later, it's become useless to civil society because it will have ceased to be the alternative its supposed to be.