As the 2022 midterms come to a close and my place in society is once more invalidated and irrelevant, I have to express my final feelings on politics in the United States as being a complete waste of time, thought and emotion. The ancient Romans, even in their Republic, had an illusory system of "democracy" which only existed to favor the very rich and powerful, always in the concept of a super minority of family connections. The regular people suffered and did all the work. Guess what we have in America? The same thing. We have a political Uniparty, essentially their own family power structure, which exists solely to further its own financial and power lusts. Outsiders need not apply, just like they need not have applied thousands of years ago. America sucks. It's always sucked in some capacity and it always will. America is a nation of the Godless, the materialistic, the addicted, the empty and the mentally imbalanced. It's fake "freedom," the "freedom" to detach from reality and live a fantasy where the natural laws of mankind can be ignored and denied to the inevitable detriment to all involved. Reality WILL not be denied. It can't be. It has its effect whether it's acknowledged or not. The United States is fantasy. It's a nation LOADED with problems which its arrogant nature refuses to see or cope with. When we live in the light of reality, we see that the United States is a great enemy. as all elements who choose to live in fantasy in a world where we must acknowledge reality are fated to become. The wealthiest will once again be the only ones who profit while the decent people suffer. The most corrupt people will continue to harm the most innocent. The brainless herd will desperately try to nudge their way into the elite classes to benefit in the useless materialism and the fake security it affords. Just like in ancient Rome, one of the most corrupt "civilized" civilizations in human history. Fake, illusory, savage and vicious. Sorry I tried to save you, America. YOU wasted MY time.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Short Post: Are our emotions spiritual or physical?
Spiritual. In my experience, our emotions are spiritual and eternal. They go way beyond the physical. They're as close as we get to God, which is encapsulated in the idea that "God is Love." Our emotions are not scientific. Our emotions are not disposable like our physical bodies. When we die, our emotions do not cease like our physical bodies as our emotions are not guttural and instinctive. Our emotions are our souls and make up who we really are in the ether of eternity. We cease to be physical people. We never cease to be emotional beings.
Is Mathematics hard reality like science or creatively conceptual like poetry?
Just watched a neat philosophy lecture on Pythagoras and it made me think of mathematics. We all know science is physical reality. It's tangible. something we can feel. It has mass. It has a cause and effect impact of us and your world. Mathematics is intellectual and at least perceived as in the galaxy of scientific reality but is it really? If a piece of wood is at a right angle, we know the wood is real but how are we to analyze its right angle? Abstract thinkers (as they were back in the day) came up with a thought process that this piece of wood had a certain bend to it and that numbers, merely ways of counting physical objects, could be applied to this bend but was seeing a bend in the wood necessary at all? Why would we need to conceptualize this angle in the first place? It's a hunk of wood and has the laws of physical science behind it. We MUST acknowledge it's a hunk of wood. It can be in our way. It can hit us over the head. It has a potential impact outside ourselves we can't deny. But must we acknowledge mathematics? Nothing about the wood or ourselves changes if we don't see the wood is at a right angle. Physical reality goes on whether we see it or not. In that way, is mathematics a necessary application in the real world at all? If we didn't conceptualize math, with all its intricate calculations, would we be the worse off for it?
In that way, I see math as being a bit like poetry. Like the poetry of beautiful things. We experience beautiful things like flowers in the real world because they have mass like the block of wood. We then think of ways we can creatively express what we're seeing in an aesthetic way. We apply it to our emotions. in contrast, we apply the idea of a right angle in a block of wood with pure intellect, largely free of the emotions. We can get emotional over a right angle but it seems rather silly! While it's virtually impossible to create good poetry about a flower without some sort of emotional aesthetic. In that way, mathematics can be seen as emotionless poetry, intellectually creative yet devoid of any need for an emotional connection. Mathematics is often very important for creating a sense of order in our lives which helps makes our existence bearable in a technical fashion. It's a facilitator of problem solving. However, if all we need to do is see the block of wood as just a hard, physical object devoid of shape and we need not use our emotions to conceptualize it, is mathematics even necessary to our existence as the acknowledgement of the physical and the emotional are? Food for thought!