Business has been around for thousands of years. The oldest known surviving records are accounting transactions on clay cuneiform tablets from Sumeria. "Person A trades a goat, chicken and 50 pieces of copper for one bull," for example. Good business is merely the transfer of goods for services. This has had a very positive effect on the history of society as it's helped make life easier and more workable. Good, honest business is good faith transactions between people. I give you want you want, you give me what I want and we're both cool.
Capitalism, on the other hand, is the abuse of business by people already in power positions to keep and expand their power. It's been a vehicle morally bankrupt Westerners (primarily but obviously not totally) have used for centuries to stockpile resources and keep the non-powerful from challenging their financial rule. It's its own form of financial totalitarianism, a method of staunch social control to keep a super tiny minority on top and everyone else down. The Capitalist American, for instance, doesn't admit to this level of "all mine and no one else's." He states that Capitalism and business are synonymous and that if you're against Capitalism you're against business. It's how the lying manipulator keeps the system of financial dominance perpetual by mixing the goodness of business with the badness of their behaviors. The Communist then overcompensates and over-rotates by preaching full governmental control over what people can and can't earn. It throws the baby out with the bathwater. Capitalism is checked but so is good business. Humankind loses with both such methods of power and control.
So there you have a simple definition of the differences. Much of corrupt Capitalism comes down to the morally bankrupt, financial criminals who hoard money and abuse others for power. It's the corruption of good business by a handful of predatorial power players. Sadly, throughout history, those people often get their way and we're all worse off as a result.