Qualifications: I have a history degree with a political science minor from Wisconsin-Whitewater.
Note: These are obviously my opinions for the direction the government of the United States.
Eliminated. This would be the biggest system change. The citizenry of the United States, due to recent events, has forfeited its right to choose its own government. Military officials would be chosen by patriotic, nationally interested men and women with the power and will to enforce its laws and enforce societal order. They would run the important governmental offices with speed and efficiency. All unimportant offices will be eliminated. In short, you've lost the competence to govern yourselves, America. Time for orderly, sane, competent, capable, mature individuals to mete out policy and justice.
So what does this mean for your rights? You would essentially still have them except the right to vote or cause dissension based on free speech. Social (more below) and racial dissension would be considered "fire in a crowded theater" and not tolerated. The Constitution would still exist (amended where necessary but that is a separate discussion.) I realize amending the Constitution is an enormously important issue but the vast majority of it will be the same. You WILL have the right to criticize your government but make the criticisms COUNT. Don't be lying about or slandering your government because it would still WORK FOR YOU. The only change would be the leadership that would make that happen.
The media in America is the No. 1 source of discord and disorder. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and all independent media "think tanks" would be 100% eliminated. No Sean Hannity. No Don Lemon. No Chris Cuomo. No fake Meet the Press BS. No White House press conferences. No "gotcha" media like Jim Acosta. Local and national media would still exist but it would be under a tight system where facts and statistics are given and ALL political rhetoric will be eliminated. Political opinions based on Left/Right ideology would be eliminated. "We report, you decide" will be enforced and all biased factual inaccuracies will be met with severe penalties. Social media sites that engage in actual time responses like Twitter would be eliminated. Thus, the coordination of violent activities and other threads being in illegal rhetoric would be, at least, squashed before they pick up any momentum. Strict ground rules for "illegal rhetoric" would be made very clear to all. Companies like Facebook and Instagram would be tightly regulated to prevent immediate coordination of violence.
Legal System:
Instead of a chaotic system of jury trials and biased elected officials, sane, competent groups of educated military officials would run the trials based on dispassionate evidence. Testimony would still be heard, things like fingerprints and DNA evidence would still be used. Our trial system today is not a disaster. However, this tweak will streamline it. It's doubtful there would be more OJs or Casey Anthonys because the politics and media garbage would be eliminated. Justice, not politics, would be the SOLE focus.
Illegal Immigration:
No more of it. No open borders. There would be both walls and increased border security. Don't even try coming in illegally. If you do, military personnel would have the authority to use lethal violence if necessary. This is not for the average illegal immigrant, obviously. If illegal immigrants come to our southern border, Mexico will be responsible for letting them in their country via THEIR southern border.
Violent protests:
Eliminated 100%. If you are using violence and you persist, you will be arrested at the very least and military personnel would be instructed to use lethal force at worst. The current (June 2, 2020) race riots would be met with an immediate lethal response. If you're going to use violence, you're going to get violence. As stated, that response would be immediate.
Social and economic issues:
Good jobs for good money would be available to all. Hiring practices would be by military personnel. Discrimination would be eliminated as would reverse-discrimination. All citizens would be equal both before the law and in practice. Equality would be enforced as will crushing all dissension based on race. That dissension is NEGATIVE, harmful dissension. It is not crushing free speech. Just dangerous, potentially violent free speech. Race rhetoric beyond scientific conversation will be considered inflammatory and unacceptable. Thus will the economic and social problems that cause discord and violence be eliminated. Capitalism will exist. Business will be business. Economic inequalities can still exist but that means billionaires can be billionaires. The difference will be poverty and homelessness would be eliminated so that pain would be gone. All people with mental illnesses would be put on medication and afforded any help they need, be it economic or things like housing. Social security would still exist and would be still be administrated. The medical community would exist as always.
Race rhetoric:
Eliminated 100%. Any race politics and race discussions beyond scientific ideology would be eliminated. All race information will be based on statistics, not opinion.
Political Parties:
The Media system and the political system will be the two most radically chanted institutions. Political parties would be eliminated and made illegal. No Right or Left rhetoric. No political or social power to the citizenry. Things like religious beliefs and assembly would be allowed as always. People would have the right to hang out in whatever groups they choose and they can discuss Left vs. Right ideology is they choose but it would be gone from the national discussion.
Identity Politics:
Eliminated. All people with different sexualities and gender identities will be welcome and tolerated but the political pushing of identity politics as a means of social "progress," which is, in truth, divisive, would not be tolerated.
NO policies will be made under the biased banner of the pseudoscience "Sociology."
Law and order (not as a dog whistle) would be the only focus for police. They would be taught to understand different people with various problems to better help their performance but they would be there to enforce our laws, not cheerlead our citizenry or make biased political decisions.
Creativity: Political dissension on a mass scale would be eliminated in mass media like movies and TV. Political dissension AS AN IDEA would be more tolerated (though not much more) in literature but not much more.
No more "white privilege" kind of stuff in schools. No more liberal sociology in schools. No religious rhetoric in public schools. Only fact based education. ALL "teaching" from politically motivated individuals designed to manipulate and "change minds" will be eliminated and those that persist in such biases will be fired without protections from unions.
That's it for now. The only real difference between our country now and under this system is that proper, competent military officials that care about the country would run the show, not the average citizen. The only real liberty people would lose would be the vote. Yes, that's a big one but society must move forward. Americans have proven they are not capable of doing that. Life will still essentially be the same but the political discord will be completely eliminated.
This would still be the United States!!! It would just be a better United States.
That's mostly the gist of my argument, though without the necessary details for the moment (as I just started thinking of this last night.)