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Monday, July 14, 2014

Sugar: My dynamic pleasure and my addiction

Since before I can remember, I've been addicted to sugar. I remember eating almost my entire bag of candy at Halloween (and I had a big haul.) I remember pouring sugar on my already sugared cereal, eating the cereal, drinking the milk then spooning the sugar off the bottom into my mouth (about a quarter inch of it.) There were times that I sank into depression as a child, aggravated by OCD. I would get seriously depressed at animals being put down or even sad moments in movies. I would get down and stay down and not be able to get the sadness out of my head. My parents were great to me and my sadness had nothing to do with anything in my world. It was chemical and I "treated" it with sugar. My sugar addiction continues to this day (I ate an entire key lime pie today.) No matter what I try, I can't eliminate large amounts of sugar from my life. The cravings cause me pain and I alleviate them with the sugar (mostly processed) then the pain kicks in again and I can't resist it. Not having sugar makes me depressed and I eat junk for comfort. It's a burden, often pleasurable, of course, as that is the nature of sugar. Like caffeine, it gets me out of ruts. I feel the pain. Epicurus would be concerned for me but I don't know what to do with it. I'll probably never quit large amounts of sugar. I hope I don't eventually get diabetes.

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