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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Critiquing Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

I read a little Kant last night and I began thinking feverishly over this idea that synthetic propositions can be a priori. A synthetic proposition is an idea that has to be proven. It isn't self-evident. In contrast, an analytic proposition is one that is self-evident. "All bachelors are single," for example. This is self-evident and doesn't need any thought. Bachelor = single. We don't need to put it through experimentation to prove that. A synthetic proposition is one that isn't exact. "All bachelors are happy," for instance. We don't know if that's true or not. It isn't self-evident. We would have to ask every bachelor in the world whether they are happy or not. We would have to obtain and process date to prove whether it is true or not. The definition of "a priori" is the same as an analytic proposition. A priori knowledge is self-evident. "All bachelors are single," is an a priori statement just like an analytic proposition. Kant's argument in his work, Critique of Pure Reason, is that certain synthetic propositions can be a priori. This is a seeming contradiction. Synthetic propositions have to be proven. A priori knowledge is self-evident.

Kant's reasoning in this matter is founded on proving synthetic (only gained through experience) propositions and a priori knowledge (self-evident) are possible. He uses space and time as an example. We have an intuitive idea of space and time because we're programmed that way. We naturally see things spatially, therefore we have an instinctive sense of what space is. We also have a natural sense of time, such as a woman's "biological clock" of when she can have babies. Space and time are also something that need to proven through experience. There are natural laws of space and time that are arrived at through experimentation and calculation. So we seemingly have opposite ideas both being true, therefore there are some synthetic propositions that can be a priori.

While Kant's reasoning is sensible, many philosophers think it is a moot point. If two things contradict each other, they cannot both be true. I'll challenge the very idea of opposites. My thinking is that synthetic a priori judgments cannot exist because they are contradictory opposites. If two seemingly opposite ideas can both be proven true, logic tells us that they can't truly be opposites. If left is left and right is right, then the two can't be the same. Oil and water and can in the same container but they can't mix. Left and right seem to be opposites. One goes one way and the other goes the other way. But are they truly opposites? What if something goes left in a straight line? It's opposite would be something going right in a straight line. But what if the line going right is at a diagonal angle? It's still going right but it's not EXACTLY the opposite of the line going left. What if the line going left moves 10 feet? Let's say the line going right is on the same line as the one going left but only goes 5 feet. Are they opposites? One goes left, the other goes right but they aren't exact opposites because the logistics of one line are not the same as the other line. What if something goes up 10 feet, then down 5 feet? Up and down are opposites but are the details in this situation opposites? No. What seems like an analytic a priori self-evident idea can be proven false by actual mathematical facts. It seems Kant's ideas, which are matters of pure reason, are black and white. Trying to prove opposites disallows for a third option. A = B and B = C are seeming contradictions. If A = B, how can B = C? It's a seeming contradiction until we add that A = C. There are THREE aspects to this truth. If there are truths that can be arrived at in threes, is arguing how opposites can both be true, meaning we're dealing with TWO things, even important in the first place? Exact opposites cannot both be proven true in an argument. If there is one answer, it can't be both left and right. Kant makes excellent arguments for SEEMING opposites to be true. My criticisms are that his ideas of opposites are not truly opposites at all.

I hope I expressed this well as I thought of all this last night then slept on it. My thinking is trying to be out of the box. True opposites are absolute. All other "opposites" are simply based on one's perception of them being opposites.


  1. Honestly, I haven't read Kant since I was an undergraduate student. You clearly enjoy exercising your intelligence.

  2. Pretty much. I don't read philosophy often but my brain gets cooking when I do. I'm huge into expression, even if no one is paying attention. A silent person is a personality lost. Thanks for commenting.
